Does anyone really think that contemporary Christianity is lacking in preachers, books, Bible translations, and neat doctrinal statements?

What we really lack is the passion to call upon the Lord until He opens the heavens and shows Himself powerful.

Prayer is more than something we do. It's something God does through us. Accept God's invitation to meet with Him - and participate in His will on earth.

Join the streams of explorers who have blazed highways for the Lord in prayer.

Monday, January 26, 2015

JAMES & JANE MOTONDI - Village Meeting

James & Jane on the left 
Dear Saints,

Jane is the stalwart wife of Evangelist, James. This is the woman who picked 2 homeless AIDS orphans out of a garbage dumpster and brought them home to raise them as her own.  This is the woman that gave up some of her meager living to feed, house and educate 2 more (a total now of 6) children. By God's help, “we” have can have a share with God in making all this happen!  This is the woman that supports her husband's ministry - a ministry which he undertakes at risk from other (so-called) “Christian clergymen” and the Jihadis who are sneaking around Kenya killing professing Christians. 

Please print this photo if you can, put it somewhere where you can see it, and remember to pray for James and Jane.   “We” - “us” - you and I and the rest of “us” - we are the real (Christian) deal.  We are orthodox (historically based), true, Bible-oriented Christians.  We separated from the apostate Houses  of Popular Religion, and our co-worker-for-God James preaches “our” Protestant, Reformation oriented gospel to the poorest of the poor in the villages of Kenya.  

James does not ask these poor villagers for any money, and in fact, sometimes, James brings the food to feed all the attendees at his teaching seminars (which can last for 2-3 days).  These villagers have no other real entertainment, so the whole village dresses up and shows up (I have photos of this).

What is it that “we”lack that makes us anything less than a real local church?

We have fellowship.  The same controversial, but orthodox, true and Biblically historical doctrines that “we” teach, are taught by James Motondi.   Right now, “we” have to pray for James Motondi in order that he be able to buy a small motorcycle, so that he doesn't have to walk everywhere (miles and miles) as he has been doing on our behalf since 1998.  Why won't you help out? 

Matthew 6:19  “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal,

Matthew 6:20  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

Matthew 6:21  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

We will report to all of you who are thrilled to be a part of “us” and what we do and have done for the glorious name of Our Lord Jesus Christ until now.

If you're “new” to “us” - then visit our blog devoted to Biblical doctrine in order to realize that we are the fellowship online you have always been looking for.  We claim to be The True Remnant of historic, orthodox Christianity.  We are the saved people, and we will prove it to you.

Thanks for reading this.  

Psalm 35:27  Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.